Initial Intake

The initial intake includes time spent discussing health history and the patient's areas of health concern and or health goals with the practitioner. Based on this information, the practitioner will design a treatment protocol and treatment plan to begin working on the patient's goals and desired outcomes. The intake will be followed by a full treatment.

Follow up intake

This visit will include a short intake to check in with the patient on how their concerns may have shifted or changed after the previous treatment. This will inform the practitioner on how she needs to continue to support or adjust the treatment to continue to meet the patient's needs. The intake will be followed by a full treatment.

My formal training in classical Chinese medicine was transmitted directly to me by the esteemed Taoist master and 88th generation practitioner Jeffrey c. Yuen of the jade purity and dragon gate lineage. I apprenticed with the commonwealth herbal program in Boston mastering dietary therapy and western herbal medicine. I worked toward a Masters of Public Health at the University of Arizona (with a specialty in international medicine and maternal and child health), where my continued focus was in the areas of epidemiology, nutrition, environmental health, physiology, and psychology. I am licensed to practice acupuncture by the states of New York and New Jersey, and I am a certified diplomate of acupuncture as conferred by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAM). My Masters of Science in acupuncture is from the Swedish Institute of Health Sciences in New York City.

I have had the great privilege of teaching as a professor at the Pacific college of oriental medicine (New York), as well as in programs focused on integrating acupuncture into mainstream medicine at both the University Paris xi Faculte de medecine Paris-sud (Paris, France), and at the Wu Ming Dao healing center (Moscow, Russia).

My formal training in classical Chinese medicine was transmitted directly to me by the esteemed T... Read More

Nichole Dreyer, LAc, attended graduate school at Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, CO where she earned her Master of Science in Oriental Medicine degree in 2010. Nichole is licensed to practice acupuncture by the state of Colorado and by the state of Utah. She owned her own practice in Aspen, CO, for two years and then moved her practice to Sweden, where she practiced for five years. In 2015 she spent seven months in Bali, where she worked as a master in-house acupuncturist for the Four Seasons Hotel. She then decided to expand her knowledge of alternative medicine by moving to Utah to work for two different integrative, functional and regenerative medicine clinics in Park City for the last 7 years. In her free time she enjoys camping, paddleboarding, skiing and anything having to do with animals and nature.

Nichole Dreyer, LAc, attended graduate school at Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, CO whe... Read More

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Located at: 5532 Lillehammer , Suite 102, Park City
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